Boschveld chickens are known for their resilience. A cross between a Venda, Ovambo and Matabele breed, these indigenous birds play a crucial role in our quest to produce healthy, nutrient-dense organic foods.
Boschveld chickens are well-suited to the harsh Karoo climate, making them a reliable and resilient addition to our system.
Our hens are efficient egg layers, providing us with a fresh and nutritious supply.
Their droppings are a valuable source of compost for our wicking beds and worm farm.
Free-ranging chickens are natural pest controllers, helping to keep insect populations in check and the Boschveld ‘famous five sisters’ can often be seen roaming through the aquaponics on pest patrol.
We lay down straw and mushroom compost in the chicken yard, which is then enriched by their droppings. This compost is used to feed our red wriggler worms, producing nutrient-rich vermicast for our plants.
We feed our chickens with culled leaves and fruits from our aquaponics system, ensuring a closed-loop cycle of nutrients.
By integrating Boschveld chickens into our aquaponics system, we're able to create a more sustainable and self-sufficient farm and we are proud to offer high quality, free range eggs to local customers.
Have questions or need assistance? We would love to hear from you.